Robusta Ratio, founding members of which took the initiative and developed the new way of interactive communication and transactions for businessmen, enterprises and consumers “Energy in Business”, was founded in 2003 to provide services in the fields of Mechanical Engineering, Project and Production Engineering as well as Analysis and Creation of computer application programs.
Its fields of expertise include the following categories:
- Enterprise organization and development
- Study and application of quality systems and environmental systems
- Inspections of quality systemsand training of company executives
- Study and application of energy systems
- Environmental impact studies
- Consultancy services for technical projects
- Computing, analysis and programming
- Management of computer networks using IT, SMS, WiFi, Voip, Internet platforms
Focusing on the ever-changing market trends, the creative team of Robusta Ration, always moving forward, implemented the application for the new way of interactive business communication and commercial transactions for businessmen, enterprises and consumers “Energy in Business”.
The goal of “Energy in Business” is to concentrate the dynamic of businessmen on the faster and more effective service topotential customers and the increase of transactions under safe and steady conditions.
Today through “Energy in Business” platform, via the analyzing and recording conditions and characteristics of every project, service or product, the “interested party” can share its request to our members and have a complete image of the solution suggested to him, with specific financial offers and comparable sizes and prices.
Price negotiation or renegotiation and the auctions that can be applied actually create value added services and high quality to the participants, while the option of evaluating a member from the “interested party” after the transaction is completed, with the rate of satisfaction, forms a climate of confidence and trust, which is so much needed into the market today!