• General
  • 1. Who is the ‘interested party'? What is an 'interested party'?

    The 'interested party' is the user who expresses an interest in carrying out a transaction and enters his search in the advanced or general searches corresponding with the subject category.

  • 2. What is the platform ‘energyinbusiness.com’?

    It is a new application in which its users' transactions can be carried out, without needless expense, movements, or intermediate costs since you benefit from the unlimited possibilities offered by the internet.

  • 3. What does ‘e-auction’ mean?

    It is the procedure where the user – interested party, having received the offers from the members (phase 1), chooses to start an auction in which the participants are invited to offer a better price compared with those offered by the others, by making successive offers within a specific time limit. The user – interested party selects, using his own criteria, the members who will take part in the auction, and sends his invitation to take part. Only those members who reply with the 'acceptance request' can take part.
    The maximum number of members that can be selected is twenty (20) and the minimum is five (5).
    The starting price in the auction is the lowest offer received by the interested party.
    Depending on the starting price, the 'minimum step' which the participants can follow by making lower offers to remain in the auction is determined. The amount cannot be lower than 'minimum step', though it can be greater. The starting price appears fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the auction. After the first price offer is placed, the time available for each participant to place another offer is thirty (30) seconds. If at the start of the auction no member places a new amount, the procedure is declared null and void and is thus cancelled.

  • 4. How does ‘energyinbusiness.gr’ differ in what it offers from other electronic directories?

    'energyinbusiness.gr' IS NOT A DIRECTORY, but an INTERACTIVE PLATFORM of transactions, in which for the first time the search as an expression of interest for the realisation of a purchase is announced simultaneously to all its members. Therefore, they are given the chance to present immediately their offers in order to carry out a transaction with the interested party.

  • 5. How can I become a member? What is a member?

    A 'Member' on the 'energyinbusiness.gr' platform can be any professional – enterprise where the object of its professional activities is in line with the object of the subject categories in order that he can give a price and complete transactions.

  • 6. Do I have to pay for using the ‘energyinbusiness.gr’ platform?

    No, the use of the platform for entering a search is completely free of charge.

  • 7. Can I be a user of the ‘energyinbusiness.gr’ platform as an interested party and as a member?

    Yes. The user can enter his own search so as to accept offers from members, but at the same time can participate as a member by sending his price offer to other interested parties.

  • For the “interested party”
  • 1. What does price renegotiation mean to me who am asking for an offer?

    After receiving the technical/price offers from the members, you as the interested party can choose up to three (3) offers (from three different members) and request the 'price renegotiation' procedure. In this way your transaction for the cheapest price is complete. This without removing your subjective criteria concerning the member, which consist of previous experience, professional qualifications, localisation and/or the possibility of providing a service to you after the sale.

  • 2. I’m an interested party, how can I initiate an auction?

    Once you have completed the Request for Offers and you have all the necessary details (technical and price), proceed thus: select the members who cover your interest (no fewer than 5 and up to 20) by sending them the relevant request via the application. The members who accept your request will send an 'invitation accepted' reply which automatically makes them participants in the auction. You must then pay the set amount (see relevant table) to start the auction process. After payment, the members and yourself as the interested party are notified of the time and date of the auction.

  • 3. I want to enter a search as an interested party to receive offers. Must I enter all my personal details?

    No, it is not necessary

  • For the ‘’member’'
  • 1. What does ‘price renegotiation’ mean to me as a member?

    If you have sent your techno-economic offer to the 'interested party' on a specific subject category, he may select you as one of the three (3) members to request a 'price renegotiation', so as to come to an agreement to complete his transaction. The time allowed for you to place again is up to forty eight (48) hours. You can place another price offer or not. However, you do not have the right to change-amend the technical terms which follow the offer initially received by the interested party, on the basis of which he requested a 'price renegotiation'.

  • 2. Is it necessary for me if I don’t wish to include more categories of professional activity (add)?

    No, it is not necessary. The 'add' is basically an option for members once they have registered into their main categories of interest. They can, at minimal extra cost, participate in more subject categories if they wish.

  • 3. If, as a member, I must place an offer, but I have questions which cannot be answered with the information I have in front of me, what do I do?

    The application allows members to send questions to the users – interested parties, via an open field with a view to getting the most comprehensive idea of their requirements. Indeed, the clarifications received by the member from the interested party are sent to all members simultaneously, so that all participants get the same information. Once this procedure is over, the member has two (2) options.
    The first (1st) is for him to send a new better offer, the second (2nd) is to place the same offer (resend), if he judges that there is no amendment to change the price. Otherwise, the sent offer prior the latest offer is deemed invalid.

    The application allows members to send questions to the users – interested parties, via an open field with a view to getting the most comprehensive idea of their requirements. Indeed, the clarifications received by the member from the interested party are sent to all members simultaneously, so that all participants get the same information. Once this procedure is over, the member has two (2) options.

    The first (1st) is for him to send a new better offer, the second (2nd) is to place the same offer (resend), if he judges that there is no amendment to change the price. Otherwise, the sent offer prior the latest offer is deemed invalid.

  • 4. I want to register as a member. Do I need to enter all my personal details?

    Yes, this is necessary. The submission of the professional/company details takes place: Firstly (1st) in order to verify their professional status and secondly (2nd) so that their details can be sent to the user –interested party provided they are selected, in order for the transaction to take place.

  • 5. I am a professional or I represent a company involved in the trade, provision of services, construction of a project. What can I gain by becoming a member of the application ‘energyinbusiness.com’?

    All members of the application 'energyinbusiness.com' receive all the searches (expression of interest) which are entered into the subject categories selected. The benefit of this to a member is information which may translate into work, without movement or needless outlay.

  • 6. I am a member. How can I take part in auctions?

    As a procedure, an auction follows the Request for Offers. The interested party selects you after having received from you your technical and price offer and sends you the corresponding request. After your 'acceptance of invitation to take part' via the application you can participate in the auction. The exact time and day of the auction will be notified to you by the application.

  • 7. I am a member. For a single search, can I give as many offers as possible to be more competitive or is there a limitation?

    There is no limit - each member can send more than one (1) price offer, which can have different technical characteristics, specifications, country of origin of material etc.

  • 8. How many days do I have to present an offer in an active search?

    The searches await your offers from one to twenty-five days (1-25) from their activation, depending on the wishes of the interested customer.

  • 9. How do I register in the platform’s subject categories?

    Registration is simple and is done by selecting the subject category/ies you wish to take part in via the selection given by the 'energyinbusiness.gr' platform in the form 'Submit application'. After paying the annual subscription, you are ready to take part in every search entered for the subject categories you selected.

  • 10. How can I ‘see’ the offers of the ‘members’?

    In the 'energyinbusiness.gr' application, all the offers are available for viewing as well as printing by the members. The separation of the stages (offer stage, renegotiation stage, etc.) takes place by the placement of reader-friendly icons as well as by individual explanations in the form of comments when the curser is on an icon.

  • 11. Can only members upload advertisements onto the ‘energyinbusiness.gr’ platform?

    No, the 'energyinbusiness.gr' platform is open to anyone who chooses promote themselves on it.

  • 12. Can I upload offers for materials, projects, services if I'm not a member of the ‘energyinbusiness.gr’ platform?

    No, that advantage belongs to the members of the platform. By registering as a member you can promote your offers, such as stock materials (e.g. tiles), projects (e.g. individual heating) and services (e.g. energy audit)
